Artist’s Residence | Sustainable Tourism | Enhancement of Artistic and Artisanal Ceramics

2021 Artist Residence, Torri Superiore

TELL_US is pleased to announce the names of the two artists selected by the jury for the residency at the Ecovillage Torri Superiore, in Liguria!


We would like to thank the 40 artists who participated in the first edition of the TELL_US call.

TELL_US  (in italiano RACCONTA_CI; TELLUS/TELLURIS dal latino TERRA) è tra i 37 progetti selezionati dalla Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo per il bando Luoghi della Cultura 2020.

Un’iniziativa inedita ideata e promossa dall’Associazione Culturale Messy Lab, Collettivo di Ceramica in collaborazione con l’Associazione Culturale Torri Superiore grazie al contributo della Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, maggior sostenitore del progetto.

Il progetto è volto a valorizzare il patrimonio architettonico dell’Ecovillaggio Torri Superiore, antico borgo medievale dell’entroterra ligure situato a pochi chilometri da Ventimiglia, attraverso la riqualificazione del laboratorio di ceramica e la programmazione di residenze per artisti-ceramisti che durante la loro permanenza in ecovillaggio realizzeranno opere e installazioni permanenti, lavorando direttamente sul territorio con il fine di valorizzarne le risorse intrinseche ed instaurare un dialogo diretto tra la cultura della ceramica, la storia e gli elementi architettonici del borgo medievale.

Parte integrante del progetto è incentivare l’economia locale promuovendo un turismo culturale ed eco-sostenibile attraverso la programmazione di corsi intensivi di ceramica abbinati al soggiorno in ecovillaggio, progettati e tenuti dagli artisti ceramisti selezionati per la residenza.

TELL_US prevede anche la programmazione di un public program curato dall’artista Cosimo Veneziano: curatori, direttori di musei e docenti universitari indagheranno il sottile confine tra arte e artigianato a partire dalle riflessioni del sociologo Richard Sennett contenute nel suo saggio “L’uomo artigiano”. Le riflessioni raccolte durante il ciclo di conferenze verranno successivamente pubblicate in un catalog.

Care Beyond Crises

Shifting Degrees of Uncertainty

By Design or by Disaster Conference, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.

17 – 19 December 2020 (7×7 format)

Marguerite Kahrl, Co-founder of Permaculture for Refugees

The conference Care Beyond Crisis addressed coping with crises through care. Care as a way of leading beyond crises by means of coping practices and a transformation approach.

Permaculture Design Course for Syrian Refugee women in Turkey, a project of P4R

Climate change, war, and natural disasters mean that people will be forced to flee from their homes and seek sanctuary more than ever. People, materials, and methods are required to convey the means to manage, scale-up applications, and learn to support vulnerable communities and those living in crowded environments. It is to be expected that Informal settlements will be on the rise.

As a group of experienced practitioners, the collective Permaculture for Refugees (P4R) is united in the belief that permaculture can address the systemic relationship between economic collapse, degraded habitats, loss of the relationship between people, and food security. We became convinced that training refugees in permaculture could offer a springboard to gain confidence and access other long-term social and economic integration opportunities.

Food for crowded populations in an uncertain and compromised future

Northern Real Farming Conference
Permaculture for Refugees (P4R)
Panelists: Rowe Morrow and Marguerite Kahrl
Sep 30, 2020, 10:30 am –12:00 pm

The conference focused on just and sustainable farming and food systems in the North of England and Scotland. Run in partnership with @foodfutures and Oxford Real Farming Conference.

Against a background of uncertainty, and possibly cascading disasters, this panel provides a changed perspective for permaculture regenerative practices applicable to a range of variables and contexts.
 Permaculture is often used in rural settings, which don’t reflect the reality for the majority of the world’s population. This is set against an uncertain and rapidly changing world.
Working with refugees, P4R has gained experience in ways of life that are, unfortunately, likely to become common. With mass migration, crowded settlements will become a new norm in urban and rural areas compounded by economic collapse, global warming, and possibly further pandemics.
 Permaculture has the potential through its relevance to local bioregions and knowledge, and, working through principles to meet their needs. Facing an uncertain future requires people, materials, and methods to convey these to vulnerable communities and those living in crowded environments to the point where they can manage and scale up the learning and applications themselves.

Coordinated by @lessuk

Meet, Share, Inspire

International Conference of Good Practices on Refugee Protection, Ankara, Turkey

25th September 2019

Organized by Support to Life (STL), Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM), and Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH), with support of European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations.

Marguerite Kahrl taught Syrian refugee women in Turkey and here talks about the follow-up outreach she has been involved in:

This spring, I co-taught a PDC for Syrian Refugee women in Turkey with Rowe Morrow and Francesca Simonetti, in the capacity of Permaculture for Refugees. I returned to Ankara, Turkey later in the year to present the Permaculture for Refugees (P4R) project as a lecturer and panelist for the conference, ‘Meet, Share, Inspire: International Conference of Good Practices on Refugee Protection’.

Particular focus was placed on the PDC course which P4R held for Syrian Refugee women in Cesme, Turkey. Francesca Simonetti and Rafif Jijeh were also participants in the conference, thanks to the support of an American family foundation. Rafif, one of the few refugees present, had the opportunity to take the stage and give her testimony of the course to an audience of government ministers, conference participants, and NGOs supporting best practices.

Members of P4R: Francesca, Rafif, and Marguerite